Adding or editing a supplier

There are several methods for editing supplier information.

You can add or edit supplier information:

Editing suppliers in AP Essentials Office

To add a new supplier to the Supplier box when verifying an invoice, type the name of the new supplier in the Supplier box and click the Add button that appears to display a dialog which you can use to specify the supplier details. The next time you verify an invoice with the same buyer, the new supplier is available for selection.

To change the name of an existing supplier, click the Edit button next to the Supplier box and use the dialog that appears to edit the name. You can do this, for example, if the supplier name is spelled incorrectly.

Changing the settings of an existing supplier affects documents currently being processed that are connected to the supplier. Changing the supplier name or supplier number does not create a new supplier.

If you are not sure of the name of the supplier, click Supplier or press F2 to display the Suppliers dialog. When you find the supplier you need, double-click it in the list, and it appears in the Supplier box. The Supplier number box is also filled in simultaneously.

Suppliers are associated with one buyer (or organization), the buyer that is selected when the supplier is created. If you accidentally create two different names for the same supplier or misspell a supplier name, you can edit it.


For this example, two settings must be enabled in by an administrator in Admin Center: Let users update customer data when verifying documents and Master data on buyer level.

Assume you verify an invoice, and "Buyer 1" is selected in the Buyer box. Then you type a new supplier name," Supplier A",  in the Supplier box. The next time you verify an invoice with "Buyer 1" selected in the Buyer box, "Supplier A "is available in the Supplier box. If you change the buyer, "Supplier A" is no longer available in the Supplier box.

Editing suppliers in Admin Center

Administrators can edit suppliers in Admin Center in the master data views. Simply click a supplier in the supplier master data list to open a dialog that you can use to edit the supplier.