Import and export users

This procedure describes how to import and export users using CSV files.

Kofax AP Essentials takes the monotony out of creating and updating users by offering ways to create and edit multiple users easily and quickly. You can import up to 500 users using a CSV file that contains user information and settings according to the format described later in this topic. If you need to import more than 500 users, consider using the API.

When working with CSV files, we recommend using Microsoft Excel 2016 or later.

Import users

To import users in Admin Center using a CSV file:

  1. Navigate to the Users view on a partner, partner group, customer or customer group level.
  2. Click IMPORT. The Import users view appears.
  3. Select optional settings such as:
    • Send welcome emails to created users - Sends login information to newly created users.

    • Grant default privileges to newly created users with the User role

      When this setting is enabled, newly created users with the User role are granted these privileges upon creation:

      • Access Explore

      • Access Received

      • Access Upload (if the Image upload service is enabled)

      • Access Verify (if the Verification service is enabled)

      • Access Approve (if the Workflow service is enabled)

      • Update online learning

      Note: Privileges do not change for existing users or users with the Admin role.

      If this setting is not enabled, newly created users with the User role are not granted any privileges.

  4. Click UPLOAD A CSV FILE and select a CSV file that contains the user information according to the format described later in this topic.

    The users that are specified in the CSV file appear in a list. You can expand each user to inspect the settings for correctness.

  5. If you are satisfied with the settings, click SAVE. The status of each user is updated as it is processed. New users are added, and existing users (matched by the user name) are updated according to the new settings specified in the CSV file. Any errors that occur appear under the user name. You can correct errors by creating or editing the affected users manually or by uploading a corrected CSV file.

CSV file format

A CSV file is a text file that contains information separated by commas, or in our case, semicolons. The first row of the CSV file defines the names of the fields (settings) you want to import. Only the first four fields are required (username, fullname, email and role). The remaining fields are optional. After the first row, the CSV must consist of one row for each user. Each row provides values for the fields listed in the table below.

Click DOWNLOAD EXAMPLE FILE in the Import users view to see what the CSV file can look like. It does not matter what order you specify the fields, as long as the values correspond correctly. The CSV file format must be UTF-8, or for non-ASCII characters, UTF-8-BOM. Note that some information in the CSV file only appears when exported and cannot be not imported.

Field name in CSV file Corresponding user setting in Kofax AP Essentials
Username User name. Required when importing.
Fullname Full name. Required when importing.
Email Email. Required when importing.
PhoneNumber Phone
Notes Notes
Role Role. Required when importing. Valid values:
  • Admin
  • User (default)

The role is automatically set to User if it is missing.

UseIdentityProvider Use identity provider. Valid values:
  • true
  • false (default)

This setting is only imported if the parent account has single sign-on enabled.

Groups Optional groups that the user belongs to. Each group is separated with a forward slash. Group names are not case sensitive. Example:


ManagerUsername The user name of the user's Manager. Required if monetaryLimit is specified.

This setting requires workflow services and Enhanced approval workflows.

MonetaryLimit The Amount of the Monetary limit setting.

This setting requires workflow services and Enhanced approval workflows.

MonetaryLimitCurrency The Currency of the Monetary limit setting. Required if manager is specified.

This setting requires workflow services and Enhanced approval workflows.

SubstituteUserName The user name of the user's Substitute.

If you specify a user name that does not exist, the user is not created.

This setting requires workflow services and Enhanced approval workflows.


The Allow access to unclassified documents setting. Determines whether the user has access to unclassified documents.

  • true
  • false (default)

This setting requires Classification services and buyer classification must be enabled.

LastLoginDate Shows the last date and time the user logged in.

This column is only available for export. This column is ignored on import.

TwoFactorAuthEnabled Displays whether two-factor authentication is enabled for the user.

This column is only available for export. This column is ignored on import.


Shows the privileges of the user, separated by forward-slashes (/)

This column is only available for export. This column is ignored on import.


Shows the privileges of the user has inherited via group membership, separated by forward-slashes (/)

This field is only available for users at the partner and customer level. It is not available for partner groups or customer groups.

This column is only available for export. This column is ignored on import.

SubOrganizationAccessAtUserLevel Shows which suborganizations the use has access to, separated by forward-slashes (/).

For partner administrators, this information reflects the Customer access settings.

This column is only available for export. This column is ignored on import.

SubOrganizationAccessAtGroupLevel Shows which suborganizations the use has access to via group membership, separated by forward-slashes (/).

This column is only available for export. This column is ignored on import.

User names cannot include any of the following text:

  • .asax
  • .ascx
  • .master
  • .skin
  • .browser
  • .sitemap
  • .config
  • .cs
  • .csproj
  • .vb
  • .vbproj
  • .webinfo
  • .licx
  • .resx
  • .resources
  • .mdb
  • .vjsproj
  • .java
  • .jsl
  • .ldb
  • .dsdgm
  • .ssdgm
  • .lsad
  • .ssmap
  • .cd
  • .dsprototype
  • .lsaprototype
  • .sdm
  • .sdmDocument
  • .mdf
  • .ldf
  • .ad
  • .dd
  • .ldd
  • .sd
  • .adprototype
  • .lddprototype
  • .exclude
  • .refresh
  • .compiled
  • .msgx
  • .vsdisco
  • .rules

Export users

For your convenience, you can export users in the same format that you import users. This can be helpful for large organizations the maintain and update large numbers of users.

To export users to a CSV file:

  1. Navigate to the Users view on a partner, partner group, customer or customer group level.
  2. Click EXPORT.

    Your web browser prompts you to download a CSV file.

  3. Save the file.

    You can edit the file, adding, removing or updating users according to the format described above. After you edit the file to your liking, you can import the file, as described above, to update users in Kofax AP Essentials.