The Notification view
Use these settings to add a new notification in Admin Center.
To access this dialog in Admin Center, click an event, or click Add, in the Notifications view.
Use these settings to add a new notification:
Event | Specifies the
event that triggers the notification.
Action | The method used to deliver the notification.
Recipient type |
Determines whether you want to send the notification to a specific email address or a Role, group or other entity which can be linked to multiple email addresses in the system. This setting is only visible when Action is Send email. |
Displays a view that you can use to specify which users and groups receive the email notification. This setting is only visible for the Usage warning event when the action is Send email and the recipient type is Email address. |
Recipient | The email address you want to send notifications to.
This setting is only visible when Recipient type is Email address. |
Role | The
Role you want to send notifications to.
This setting is only visible when the Recipient type is Role. |
Address | A URL to a web page that is set up to receive notifications from the system.
This setting is only visible when the Action is set to Post to web page. |
Number of days to wait before sending the notification if the document remains on hold |
Specifies the number of days to wait before sending the notification. For example, if you specify a waiting period of five days, the notification will not be sent until the document has been on hold for five consecutive days. After the waiting period is triggered, a notification is sent each day until the document is no longer on hold. If the document is no longer on hold before the waiting period ends, the notification is not sent. This setting is only visible when Event is Held. |
Level |
Determines which level the notification applies to. For example, if you create a notification for a usage warning on the subsidiary level, and you select Partner account here, usage warning notifications are only triggered by events on the partner level. This setting is only visible on the subsidiary and partner level for the usage warning notification.
Trigger |
Determines what triggers the notification.
This setting is only visible for the Usage warning notification. |
Notes | Optional text to help you organize and keep track of notifications. This text does not appear in the notification itself. |