NetSuite: Data templates
You can configure the NetSuite target system service to map custom NetSuite fields to Tungsten AP Essentials fields and other values.
By default, Tungsten AP Essentials can map fields to the NetSuite fields listed here. If your NetSuite solution has custom fields, however, you can use data templates to map NetSuite fields to AP Essentials fields and other values. Custom fields in NetSuite fall into three categories: header fields, expense table fields and item fields. Each category has a corresponding setting in the target system settings that you can use to map custom fields:
- Custom field mapping - for header fields.
- Custom expense field mapping - for expense table fields.
- Custom item field mapping - for item fields.
You specify custom field values using the format, NetSuiteField="value", where NetSuiteField is the ID of the field in NetSuite, and value is any possible value defined later in this topic. Use a semicolon to separate multiple field specifications. For your convenience, you can click Validate, which among other things, makes sure the fields you specify exist in NetSuite.
Suppose you type the following in the Custom field mapping setting:
In this example:
custbodypark is a constant that is always set to true.
custbodyapprovedby is set to a history variable that refers to the name of the user who checked the invoice.
custbodyapprove is set to a history variable that refers to the date and time when the invoice was verified.
custbodystoragelink is set a system variable that refers to the permanent image link (URL) in Tungsten AP Essentials storage.
A value can consist of multiple constants and variables, for example:
field="Invoice %InvoiceNumber% was approved by %@user60%"
You specify the data templates using plain-text constants and variables enclosed in percent marks.
- Constants - fixed values that you specify as text.
- Variables - dynamic values that are determined by invoice data or system data. Variables are enclosed in percent characters (%).
To specify a variable for an invoice field, enclose the Type name of the field in percent characters (%).
A variable can also be preceded by:
- # - to indicate that it is a system variable.
- @ - to indicate that it is a history variable.
- $ - to indicate that it is a meta-data variable.
Customer: $WebEye.CustomerID Document created: %@date0{yyyy-MM-dd}% Buyer: %#buyer.Name%
System variables
You can specify system variables to obtain the values of system variables in Tungsten AP Essentials.
- #Appendices
- #CreditInvoice
- #BatchPrefix
- #buyer.Type
- #buyer.Name
- #buyer.Id
- #buyer.ExternalId
- #buyer.Description
- #buyer.TaxRegistrationNumber
- #buyer.OrganizationNumber
- #buyer.Street
- #buyer.PostalCode
- #buyer.City
- #buyer.CountryName
- #buyer.PaymentTerm
- #buyer.PaymentMethod
- #buyer.CurrencyCode
- #buyer.BankAccounts
- #Currency
- #DateTime
- #Description
- #DocumentTypeSystemName
- #ImageFile2
- #NumberOfPagesFrontAndBack
- #NumberOfInvoicePages
- #NumberOfInvoicePagesFrontAndBack
- #NumberOfAppendixPages
- #NumberOfAppendixPagesFrontAndBack
- #Pages
- #Permalink
- #ProfileName
- #EndorserNumber
- #Supplier
- #Supplier.Description
- #supplier.Type
- #supplier.Name
- #supplier.Id
- #supplier.ExternalId
- #supplier.TaxRegistrationNumber
- #supplier.OrganizationNumber
- #supplier.Street
- #supplier.PostalCode
- #supplier.City
- #supplier.CountryName
- #supplier.PaymentTerm
- #supplier.PaymentMethod
- #supplier.CurrencyCode
- #supplier.BankAccounts
History variables
You can specify history variables to obtain the user or the date and time of a specific process. You construct a history variable using one of these formats:
- @UserX
- @DateX
The default date format returned by the date variable is YYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.FFFFFFFZ. For example: 2021-02-28T14:46:21.1265774Z.
Process status | Numerical code |
DocumentCreated | 0 |
DocumentExtractionInProgress | 30 |
DocumentExtractionSucceeded | 40 |
DocumentPendingManualVerification | 45 |
DocumentPendingCorrection | 46 |
DocumentCorrectionFlowStarting | 47 |
DocumentCorrectionFlowInProgress | 48 |
DocumentCorrectionFlowDone | 49 |
DocumentRejectedDuringVerification | 50 |
DocumentRequestForInformationDuringVerification | 55 |
DocumentManuallyVerified | 60 |
DocumentPendingRegistration | 61 |
DocumentRegistrationInProgress | 62 |
DocumentRegistrationSucceeded | 63 |
DocumentRegistrationFailed | 64 |
DocumentPendingApproval | 65 |
DocumentApprovalStarting | 79 |
DocumentApprovalInProgress | 66 |
DocumentApproved | 67 |
DocumentApprovalSucceeded | 68 |
DocumentApprovalRejected | 69 |
DocumentRequestForInformation | 70 |
DocumentPendingAllocation | 71 |
DocumentPendingPost | 74 |
DocumentPostInProgress | 75 |
DocumentPostSucceeded | 76 |
DocumentPostFailed | 77 |
DocumentAssignedToUser | 78 |
DocumentPendingBatchRegistration | 80 |
DocumentPendingBatchPost | 81 |
DocumentValidationFailed | 82 |
DocumentPendingExport | 90 |
DocumentExportPostponed | 91 |
DocumentExportInProgress | 95 |
DocumentExportFailed | 99 |
DocumentExportSucceeded | 100 |
DocumentSentToStorage | 200 |
DocumentCommentAdded | 201 |
LineItemExtractionUsed | 202 |
DocumentFailed | 900 |
DocumentDeleted | 1000 |
Custom date formats
The default date format returned by the date variable is YYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.FFFFFFFZ. For example: 2021-02-28T14:46:21.1265774Z.
If you use the Oracle Financials Cloud integration or the SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES integration, you can control the format of the date variable using standard date and time formats as well as custom formats. You specify the format of your choice by enclosing it in braces after the date variable, like this:
The date variable above would return for example, 2021-02-28.
Additional parameters for history variables
If a history variable has multiple records associated with it, you can append history variables with additional parameters to specify whether you want the first record, last record, or all records. For example, if a document is approved by multiple users, the history variable returns the last approver by default. However, by specifying an additional parameter, you can get the first approver instead. These parameters are available:
First — Returns the first record in the selected history.
Last — Returns the last record in the selected history. This parameter is used by default if no parameter is specified.
All — Returns all of the records in the selected history as a semicolon-separated text sting. When using this parameter, not all all target systems accept the default date format, so make sure you know what format your target system expects.
To use a parameter, append the history variable with a dot followed by the parameter. For example, to obtain the first approver:
When using additional parameters in combination with custom date history variables, specify the parameter first:
Meta-data variables
You can specify these variables to obtain additional meta data from Tungsten AP Essentials that is not available in the variables above:
- $WebEye.CustomerID
- $WebEye.BatchID
- $WebEye.OutputImageFormat
- $WebEye.DocumentID
- $ExternalId
- $UploaderUserName
- $OriginalFileName
- $BatchTrackId
- $ReceiveTime
- $DocumentId
- $VerifierUserName
Fields containing lists
The NetSuite integration supports the use of NetSuite fields that contain lists. In other words, your data template can specify fields of type List/Record. This is helpful, for example, if you want to incorporate a list of NetSuite employees with , and display the list for selection during invoice verification. Read more.