What's new
AP Essentials overview
Document processes overview
Document subtypes
Remittance advices
Purchase order documents
Online learning
Services overview
Analytics reports
Update frequency
Classification services
Copilot services
Email input services
Extraction services
Swiss QR-bills
Indian QR codes
Image upload services
e-Invoice Connect
Master data services
Connecting fields to master data
Master data: Buyers
Master data: Customers
Master data: General ledger accounts
Master data: Generic objects
Master data: Supplier banks
Master data: Suppliers
Notification services
Process control services
Purchase order services
Separation services
Storage services
Target system services
The Target system configuration dialog
Coupa AP
Dynamics AX (Embedded)
Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
Dynamics AX
Oracle Financials Cloud
Enabling PGP for the SFTP target system
SharePoint Online (Office 365)
Validation services
Due date validation
Verification services
Workflow services
Adding a workflow
Limiting the duration of workflow steps
Specifying an alert for a workflow
Creating triggers
Automatic coding suggestions
Accounts overview
Add a partner
Add a customer account
Enable and disable services
Buyer/Seller classification
Add buyers and sellers
Add email input
Import and export users
Activate customers
Additional settings
Grouping users
Grouping accounts
Automatic email notifications
Email forwarding
Editing extraction settings
Editing extraction fields
Add custom fields to a document type
Specifying validation rules
Editing email templates
Specifying target system settings
Specifying field display order
Transforming output to CSV format using a custom XSLT file
Master data: Field values
Adding filter fields to the document list view
Custom branding
Supplier and customer identification
Admin Center
Add a new account
Add or delete services
Edit a service plan
Work with users
Activating accounts
Pause an account
Add an email address for email input
User management: Overview
Assign organizations to a user
Create custom validation rules
Add a notification
Upload master data
Delete documents
User interface: Admin Center
The Account view
The Usage summary view
The Email templates view
The User management view
The Users view
The User view
The Import users view
The User groups view
The User group view
The Approval hierarchy view
The Services view
The Classification view
The Tungsten Copilot view
The Email input view
The Email address view
The Email forwarding view
The Extraction view
The Document type view
The Field view
The Image upload view
The E-Invoice Connect view
The E-Invoice Connect Connection view
The Master data service view
The Notifications view
The Notification view
The Process control view
The Purchase order view
The Separation view
The Storage view
The Target system view
The Business unit name view
The Validation view
The Custom validation rule view
The Verification view
The Workflow view
The Workflow view (for adding or editing a workflow)
The Workflow step view
The Account type view
The Coding & approval trigger view
The Correction trigger view
The Rejection trigger view
The Service plan view
The Audit trail view
The Customer accounts view
The Add new customer account view
The Customer account view
The Buyers view
The Add new buyer view
The Company profile view
The Copy customer view
The Sellers view
The Add new seller view
The Documents view
The Document volumes report view
The Master data views
The Supplier master data view
The Bank account view
The Customer master data view
The Payment terms view
The Payment term view
The On hold codes view
The On hold code view
The Purchase orders view
The Purchase order lines view
The Reject codes view
The Reject code view
The Partners view
The Partner view
The Add new partner account view
The Add new partner account group view
The Group view
The Resources view
Using Office
Sending documents to Tungsten AP Essentials
Uploading documents
Sending documents via email
Page separation
Delete documents
Verifying documents: Overview
Selecting documents for verification
Viewing document images
Verifying single-item (header) fields
Line-item fields: Overview
Verifying line items
Line-item pairing
2-way and 3-way matching: Overview
Saving a document
Adding or editing a supplier
Adding or editing a customer
Special handling
Changing the currency
Adding comments to invoices
Rejecting invoices
Deleting an invoice
Request information (during verification)
Mark an invoice as credit or debit
Handling blocked suppliers/customers
Toggling field visibility
Selecting invoices to bypass verification
Holding documents
Verifying utility bills
The Copy purchase order lines dialog
Invoice approval: Overview
Approving an invoice
Amount balancing
Coding an invoice (account coding)
Automatic coding suggestions
Correcting an invoice in a workflow
Rerouting an invoice
Request information (during approval)
Rejecting an invoice in a workflow
Manually starting a workflow
Specifying a substitute
User interface: AP Essentials Office
The Document list view
The Document view
The Send to verification dialog
The Copilot dialog
The Upload view
The Document separation view
The User profile view for Office
Tungsten AP Essentials Connect
AP Essentials Connect System requirements
Creating a customer account
AP Essentials Connect Setup
Using AP Essentials Connect
Mobile Approval
Reports for Microsoft Excel
Data Import for Microsoft Excel
Coupa AP
Configure Coupa AP
Configure AP Essentials
Extraction settings
Target system settings
Master data
Specify default chart of accounts and billing account template
Use data templates to specify remit-to addresses
Use data templates to specify requesters
Transform output with XSLT
Submit documents to Coupa
Test the output
Data templates
Process invoices
Filter with content groups
Configure Coupa
Configure AP Essentials
Data templates
E-conomic technical description
Configuring E-conomic
Using token-based authentication with E-conomic
E-conomic: Data templates
Processing Danish invoices with E-conomic
Processing Norwegian invoices with E-conomic
Processing Swedish invoices with E-conomic
Microsoft Dynamics
Dynamics NAV and Dynamics 365 Business Central
Signing up for a Tungsten AP Essentials account for Microsoft Dynamics NAV or Dynamics 365
Configure Tungsten AP Essentials for use with Microsoft Dynamics NAV or Dynamics 365
Processing invoices with Microsoft Dynamics NAV or Dynamics 365
Enabling line items in Dynamics NAV
Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
Configuring Dynamics 365
Using custom fields in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
Importing total amounts and total tax amounts in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
Setting default sales tax groups in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
Configuring AP Essentials
Field mapping
Data templates
Tips and troubleshooting
Dynamics AX 2012
Configuring Tungsten AP Essentials for use with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Configuring Dynamics AX 2012 (embedded)
Updating an existing integration
Document parking
Payment fields
Dynamics AX 2012 supported fields
Using procurement categories
Configure NetSuite
Creating an integration record for NetSuite
Configuring custom roles for NetSuite
Configuring token-based authentication for NetSuite
Configuring saved searches for NetSuite
Configure AP Essentials
Production usage
Preliminary registration
Handle taxes in NetSuite
Override SuiteTax calculations
Data templates
Using field lists from NetSuite
Line pairing
OneWorld extensions
Supported fields
Code an invoice
Create dummy codes
Map custom form IDs
Master data
Oracle Financials Cloud
Configure Oracle Fianacials Cloud
Configure AP Essentials
Process invoices
Oracle Financials Cloud: Data templates
AP Essentials Connect
Configuring Tungsten AP Essentials for use with SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES
Configuring SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES for use with Tungsten AP Essentials
Configure custom CDS views
Create a CDS view for purchase orders
Create a CDS view for company tax procedures
Create a CDS view for country tax codes
Create a CDS view for tax types
Create a CDS view for company general ledger accounts
Create a communication scenario for each CDS view
Create a communication arrangement for the CDS views
Specify the CDS view APIs and resources in the target system settings
Define a communication system
Create a communication user
Add the user to the inbound connection
Add the user to the outbound connection
Adjust the Maintain Trusted Network Zone settings
Create communication arrangements for the communication system
Process invoices with the SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES integration
SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES: Data templates
SharePoint Online (Office 365)
Configuring the SharePoint integration
Data retention
Email attachment validation
Field status
Keyboard shortcuts
Sample documents
Statuses and events for batches and documents
Supported input file formats
E2B field mapping
ESXML field mapping
FatturaPA field mapping
Finvoice field mapping
OFD field mapping
OIO field mapping
Svefaktura field mapping
UBL (OIOUBL) / EHF field mapping
ZUGFeRD, Factur-X, and XRechnung field mapping
Supported SFTP encodings
System requirements
System limits
XML output format
API User Guide
API access requirements
Example scenarios
Uploading documents
File-based integration
External data verification
Uploading master data
Workflow integration
REST examples
Plug-in API for AP Essentials Connect
AP Essentials Store
Ordering a service plan
Editing payment information
Payment information
Changing a service plan
Canceling a service plan
Getting help with Tungsten Automation products
Target system integrations
Microsoft Dynamics
Dynamics AX 2012