The Field view

Use this view to specify field settings or add a custom field to a document type.

To access this view in Admin Center, click a field in the Document type view.

The settings that appear can vary depending on the field type and whether it is a predefined or custom field. For example, the predefined InvoiceCurrency and InvoiceCredit fields lack some of the settings below due to internal business logic.


The name of the field as it appears in the output that is sent to the target system.

Type name

The internal name of the field. Use this name to:

Precede the Type name with "LIT_" to specify a line-item field. By default, a custom line-item field captures values up to 100 characters in length (alphanumeric characters and special characters), unless you specify another format in the Format settings.

Display name

The user-friendly name of the field as it appears in the interface.

If you leave this setting empty, the value in the Name setting is used.


Specifies the field type:

  • Text - You can optionally define a Field format using regular expressions when you choose this type.
  • Date - Specifies a date field.
  • Amount - Specifies an amount field.

Accept empty value

If the field is not found, validation is skipped and the field status is set to Complete. However, if the field is found, validation is performed. In either case, you can choose to leave the field empty.

Empty and hidden by default

When selected, the field is initially empty and hidden from Office users. Office users can toggle the visibility of the field.

Enforce validation Determines whether the field must pass validation. If this setting is selected, you cannot complete the invoice verification until the field passes validation and the field status is Complete.
Skip extraction

When you select this setting, Kofax AP Essentials does not look for the field on incoming documents, however the field is available for manual entry during verification. This is helpful if you want to manually add information to documents by setting a value on a field that does not exist on the incoming documents.

This setting is only available for custom header fields. It is not available for line-item fields.

Barcode extraction

Select this setting if the field you want to capture is a barcode. AP Essentials supports these barcode formats:

  • Code 128

  • EAN-8

  • EAN-13

This setting is only available for custom header fields whose Type setting is set to Text.

Only accept extracted values that match the format

This setting is available for any line-item field whose field type is set to text.

When you select this setting, extracted field values that match the field format settings below are marked as complete (). Field values that do not match the format are set to empty. Using this setting in combination with a strict format setting can prevent incorrect fields from being captured.

When specifying the field format, try to be as strict as possible. For example, if the field contains only numbers, exclude letters from the format specification. Likewise, if the field is always a specific length, specify the length as well.

When you enable this setting on an order number field (InvoiceOrderNumber or LIT_OrderNumber), only values that match the field format settings below are captured and considered as field suggestions. Enabling this setting on the order number field can also improve automatic document type classification results.

If you use this setting for the InvoiceOrderNumber and LIT_OrderNumber fields, you must specify the same field format for both fields.

If you also use buyer classification, use the Regular expression format for best results.

Use default value

Specifies the default value of the field if no field is found during extraction.

When you select this setting, an additional setting appears which you can use to save the default value on a per supplier/customer basis:

  • Save default value per supplier (for accounts payable processes).

  • Save default value per customer (for accounts receivable processes).

For example, if you select Save default value per supplier, the default value is updated, on a supplier basis, each time the value is changed during verification. In other words, if you set the default value to "ABC", the value is initially "ABC" for all suppliers. However, if an Office user changes the field value to "XYZ" during verification, the new default value for that particular supplier will be "XYZ". The other suppliers will keep the original default value of "ABC".

This setting is only available for custom header fields whose Type setting is set to Text.

Currently there is a limitation which prevents this feature from working if:

  • Buyer/Seller classification is enabled.

  • Extraction settings are configured on the buyer/seller level.

Zero amount by default

When an amount field cannot be found or the field value is invalid, the value is automatically set to a zero amount (0.00). If the default value is not changed during verification, a zero amount is sent to the target system.

See also: Handling missing or invalid amounts.

Empty value by default

When an amount field cannot be found or the field value is invalid, the value is automatically set to an empty value. If the default value is not changed during verification, an empty amount is sent to the target system.

See also: Handling missing or invalid amounts.

Use master data to suggest field values When selected, the master data that you select in the box is used to suggest field values for this field.
Use master data to validate the field value When selected, the master data is also used to validate the field value. For example, if you type a field value that does not exist in the master data, a validation warning is displayed; however, you can press Enter to override the warning (unless Enforce validation is selected).
Use master data to improve extraction

When selected, Name and Description values from generic master data are used to find fields and improve extraction results. Also, if a match is found, the field value is taken from the master data value.

All terms (separated by spaces) found in the master data Name and Description are used to locate the field on the document. For example, assume you have the following master data for a custom field:

Name Value Description
John Doe Corporate HQ contact
Jane Doe Polychemtex
Will Smith Contoso

The first master-data item has "John Doe" as the Name and "Corporate HQ contact" as the Description. In this case, Kofax AP Essentials searches for all five terms individually on the document when trying to locate the field. In other words, for the first master-data item, Kofax AP Essentials searches for each of these terms separately (case insensitive):

  • John
  • Doe
  • Corporate
  • HQ
  • Contact

If "John" or "Doe" or any of the other terms are found on the document, it is considered a match. However, Kofax AP Essentials searches all terms from all master data on all pages of the document before making a determination. If Kofax AP Essentials finds more than one match, the master-data item with the most matches is chosen, and the field value is set using the Value (example:

This setting only applies to custom fields that use generic master data.

Currently there is a limitation which prevents this feature from working if:

  • Buyer/Seller classification is enabled.

  • Extraction settings are configured on the buyer/seller level.

Master data display format Determines how the master data appears when verifying invoices.
Regular expression / Compact format Determines whether you use a regular expression or the compact format to validate the field.

When specifying the field format, try to be as strict as possible. For example, if the field contains only numbers, exclude letters from the format specification. Likewise, if the field is always a specific length, specify the length as well.

Field format (regular expression)

Specifies a regular expression that the field must match in order to pass validation.

Field format (compact)

Specifies a compact field format that the field must match in order to pass validation. You can only edit this setting for custom fields, if the field Type is Text, and these predefined fields: BuyerContactPersonName, BuyerContactReference.

Select all of the character types that can appear in the field: Numeric, Uppercase letters, Lowercase letters, Special characters, and Space.

The field value you specify here cannot exceed 511 characters. For example, you cannot specify N(1-512).

Test value

Use this box to test the field format. Type en example field value and click TEST to see if the example value matches the Field format.

Note: When testing the compact format, negative signs are ignored.