Indian QR codes

Tungsten AP Essentials can interpret QR codes on Indian QR documents. A QR code is a two-dimensional barcode containing information. For the purposes of this topic, we refer to the QR code found on an Indian document as an "Indian QR code". An Indian QR code contains document and payment information.

When AP Essentials finds an Indian QR code on a document, it is automatically extracted for all document types. AP Essentials extracts information from the QR code and populates document fields with the data according to this table:

QR field Field type name in AP Essentials
SellerGstin SupplierVATRegistrationNumber
BuyerGstin BuyerVATRegistrationNumber
DocNo InvoiceNumber
DocTyp InvoiceCredit

The document is classified as a credit note if the value is "CRN". All other values (INV, DBN) are considered invoices.

DocDt InvoiceDate
TotInvVal InvoiceTotalVatIncludedAmount
ItemCnt Not mapped.
MainHsnCode Not mapped.
Irn (Invoice Reference Number) InvoiceReferenceNumber
IrnDt Not mapped.
iss Not mapped. However, the value must be "NIC". If it is not, Swiss QR code extraction is performed instead.

When an Indian QR code is extracted, the extracted information must adhere to the Indian QR code specification. If a field does not validate according to the specification, the field is marked as uncertain (). If a field does pass validation, its value takes precedence over the extracted text value on the document, and its status is set to complete (). If a value extracted from an Indian QR code adheres to the QR-bill specification, but fails another validation, the Indian QR code value is still used but marked as uncertain ().