The Invoice Portal view

Use these settings to specify service settings for the Invoice Portal integration.

To access this view in Admin Center, select a Services node in the tree view and click Invoice Portal.

To avoid configuration issues, multiple administrators should not edit the same service at the same time.


Allows editing of the service settings and displays additional buttons.


Saves the current settings.


Cancels editing without saving any changes.


Tests current connections to Invoice Portal.


Displays a view for adding and editing connections.

[Settings vary]

Displays Invoice Portal connections. A single connection is displayed if you connect to Invoice Portal on the customer account level. If you connect on the buyer level, multiple buyer connections are displayed in a table.

  • Member ID - The member ID you use to connect to Invoice Portal.

  • Member name - The name of the Invoice Portal member that you use to connect to Invoice Portal.

  • - Removes the connection.

Invoice status update
  • Document approved and posted - Sends the 'Approved' document status to Invoice Portal when a document is approved in Kofax AP Essentials and posted successfully to the target system.

  • Document deleted - Sends the 'Rejected' document status to Invoice Portal when a document is deleted in Kofax AP Essentials.

  • Document verified - Sends the 'Verified' document status to Invoice Portal when a document is verified in Kofax AP Essentials.

If you have connections on the buyer level, these settings are default for each buyer. To override the default settings for an individual buyer, click a buyer in the BUYER-SPECIFIC SETTINGS list, and use the view that appears to specify the settings.

Master data
Supplier synchronization
  • Allow supplier upload - Lets Invoice Portal copy supplier master data from Kofax AP Essentials to Invoice Portal.

  • Allow organization identifiers - Lets Invoice Portal include tax registration and organization numbers when copying supplier master data from AP Essentials.

  • Allow organization bank accounts - Lets Invoice Portal include bank account information when copying supplier master data from AP Essentials.

  • Allow blocked suppliers - Lets Invoice Portal copy suppliers that are blocked in AP Essentials.

If you have connections on the buyer level, these settings are default for each buyer. To override the default settings for an individual buyer, click a buyer in the BUYER-SPECIFIC SETTINGS list, and use the view that appears to specify the settings.