Tungsten e-Invoice Connect

e-Invoice Connect is a single connection point to send and receive electronic invoices. It automatically converts invoices to the format required by buyers, transfers them to the correct receiver in the correct way and eliminates manual work and errors. e-Invoice Connect simplifies invoice processing by connecting you to hundreds of thousands of companies that are already connected and exchanging e-Invoices.

Contact support to enable this integration.

Tungsten AP Essentials accepts invoices from e-Invoice Connect via Email input services. e-Invoice Connect can be a beneficial input method because it accepts more XML invoice formats than AP Essentials. By default, communication between AP Essentials and e-Invoice Connect is one way: e-Invoice Connect sends invoices to AP Essentials, and AP Essentials processes them without communicating the results back to e-Invoice Connect. However, you can enable notifications in the e-Invoice Connect service in AP Essentials to send invoice status information back to e-Invoice Connect. This is helpful because it provides feedback to suppliers that have submitted invoices to e-Invoice Connect. Two-way communication between AP Essentials and e-Invoice Connect is not required and not enabled by default.

This integration is enabled via the e-Invoice Connect service. Administrators need these privileges to configure and utilize the e-Invoice Connect service:

  • Manage e-Invoice Connect settings - Grants permission to edit e-Invoice Connect service settings.

  • Access e-Invoice Connect - Lets admin users on the customer level open e-Invoice Connect from a link that appears on the landing page in Admin Center.

Create a connection to e-Invoice Connect

To create a connection to e-Invoice Connect:

  1. Navigate to the e-Invoice Connect view and click EDIT.

  2. Click CONNECTION.

  3. Use the dialog that appears to specify a connection to e-Invoice Connect.

    Consider whether you want to process all documents with the same e-Invoice Connect member (Connect on customer account level) or if you want different members for each buyer (Connect on buyer level).

  4. Click OK to save your settings and test the connection.

    After the connection succeeds, you return to the previous view, which displays the connection settings. A link to e-Invoice Connect is now available for customer administrators in the Customer account view.

    If the connection fails, check your settings and try again.

    To change existing connections, click CONNECTION and provide the new connection settings in the manner described above.

Enabling notifications for e-Invoice Connect

You must create a connection to e-Invoice Connect before you enable notifications. To enable notifications for e-Invoice Connect:

  1. Navigate to the e-Invoice Connect view and click EDIT.

  2. Click the Notifications tab.

  3. Select the document statuses that you want publish to e-Invoice Connect and potentially to the supplier. If you do not select any statuses, notifications are not sent to e-Invoice Connect.

    If you have connections on the buyer level, these settings are default for each buyer. To override the default settings for an individual buyer, click a buyer in the BUYER-SPECIFIC SETTINGS list, and use the view that appears to specify the settings.

  4. Click SAVE.

    e-Invoice Connect will receive notifications according to your settings.

Supplier synchronization

e-Invoice Connect users can click a button in e-Invoice Connect to upload supplier master data from AP Essentials. Before you click the button, however, you must enable supplier synchronization in AP Essentials. Currently, e-Invoice Connect accepts up to 20,000 suppliers. To enable supplier synchronization:

  1. Navigate to the e-Invoice Connect view and click EDIT.

  2. Click the Master data tab.

  3. Select Allow supplier upload to let e-Invoice Connect copy supplier master data from AP Essentials to e-Invoice Connect. Additionally, you can select Allow organization identifiers and/or Allow organization bank accounts to let e-Invoice Connect copy tax registration and organization numbers and/or bank account information. You can also choose to let e-Invoice Connect copy suppliers that are blocked in AP Essentials by selecting the Allow blocked suppliers setting.

    If you have connections on the buyer level, these settings are default for each buyer. To override the default settings for an individual buyer, click a buyer in the BUYER-SPECIFIC SETTINGS list, and use the view that appears to specify the settings.

    When you select Allow supplier upload, these fields are mapped:

    Value from AP Essentials e-Invoice Connect field
    Supplier number membersIdForParty
    Supplier name * address.name
    Street address.streetAddress
    Postal code address.zipCode
    City address.city
    A two-letter country code, determined by the country name address.countryId
    Phone number contact.phone
    Description comment

    * Supplier name is the only required field. All other fields are optional.

    When you select Allow organization identifiers , these fields are mapped:

    Value from AP Essentials e-Invoice Connect field
    "OrganizationNo" identifiers[].type
    Organization number identifiers[].Identifier
    "VAT" identifiers[].type
    A two-letter country code, determined by the country name identifiers[].countryId
    Tax registration number identifiers[].Identifier

    Organization and tax registration numbers cannot be sent to e-Invoice Connect if the country cannot be determined.

    When you select Allow organization bank accounts , these fields are mapped:

    Value from AP Essentials e-Invoice Connect field

    If Bank number type is set to "None" in AP Essentials, paymentMeans[].type is set to "Bank" in e-Invoice Connect.


    Bank name


    BIC number


    Clearing number


    Account number


    If multiple accounts of the same type are specified in AP Essentials, only the first account is mapped.

  4. Click SAVE.

    When new suppliers are created in AP Essentials, the new supplier information will be sent to e-Invoice Connect according to your settings.