Configuring Tungsten AP Essentials for use with SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES
Before you can use the SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES integration with Tungsten AP Essentials, you must configure these settings in Tungsten AP Essentials:
Buyer settings
Extraction settings
Workflow settings
Target system
Master data
Buyer settings
For each company in SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES that you want to send invoices to, you must add a corresponding buyer in Tungsten AP Essentials. The external reference ID of each buyer in Tungsten AP Essentials must match a company code in SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES.
The SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES integration only supports master data on the buyer level. In order to use the SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES integration, you must select Master data on buyer level in the Master data settings.
Extraction settings
You must edit the extraction settings for each document type you use and make sure the required Tungsten AP Essentials fields are specified for the corresponding fields in SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES. If a document type you use lacks a required field, you must add a custom field using the field type name specified in the tables below. Likewise, the SAP S/4HANA system must use the required fields specified in the tables below.
General expense field requirements
Tungsten AP Essentials exports non-PO invoices to SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES with the status, Posted. Non-PO invoices that only contain header fields are exported to SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES with the status, Parked.
Adjust your document types for general expense invoices according to this table:
Tungsten AP Essentials field type name | SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES field | Note |
Header fields | ||
InvoiceNumber | SupplierInvoiceIDByInvcgParty | |
InvoiceCurrency | DocumentCurrency | |
CompanyCode | The value is taken from the External ID of the buyer. | |
InvoiceDate | DocumentDate | |
PostingDate | PostingDate |
PostingDate is a custom field that you must add to the document type. |
SupplierNumber | InvoicingParty | |
TaxDeterminationDate | TaxDeterminationDate |
TaxDeterminationDate is a custom field that you must add to the document type. |
InvoiceTotalVatIncludedAmount | InvoiceGrossAmount | |
InvoiceTotalVATAmount | InvoiceTotalTaxAmount | Optional. |
InvoiceTaxAmount1 | TaxAmount | |
TaxCode1 | TaxCode | TaxCode1 is a custom field that you add to the document type. |
TaxJurisdiction1 | TaxJurisdiction |
Optional. If you want to use this optional field, you must add TaxJurisdiction1 to the document type as a custom field. |
TaxCountry | TaxCountry |
Optional. If you want to use this optional field, you must add TaxCountry to the document type as a custom field. |
WithholdingTaxType | WithholdingTaxType |
Optional. If you want to use this optional field, you must add WithholdingTaxType to the document type as a custom field. |
WithholdingTaxCode | WithholdingTaxCode |
Optional. If you want to use this optional field, you must add WithholdingTaxCode to the document type as a custom field. |
WithholdingTaxBaseAmount | WithholdingTaxBaseAmount |
Optional. If you want to use this optional field, you must add WithholdingTaxBaseAmount to the document type as a custom field. |
WithholdingTaxAmount | ManuallyEnteredWhldgTaxAmount |
Optional. If you want to use this optional field, you must add WithholdingTaxAmount to the document type as a custom field. |
InvoiceCredit | SupplierInvoiceIsCreditMemo | |
DueCalculationBaseDate | DueCalculationBaseDate |
DueCalculationBaseDate is a custom field that you add to the document type. If DueCalculationBaseDate is empty, or does not exist, the value is calculated using the payment terms of the supplier according to the company code. |
PaymentTerms | Payment terms are retrieved from SAP using the company code and the supplier. | |
GeneralLedgerAccount | GLAccount | GeneralLedgerAccount is a custom field that you must
add to the document type.
If GeneralLedgerAccount is empty, or does not exist, the value is copied from the Default GL account number setting. |
Line-item fields | ||
SupplierInvoiceItem | This value is automatically set by the integration. | |
LIT_ArticleName | Description | |
BuyerExternalId | CompanyCode | |
LIT_GeneralLedgerAccount | GLAccount |
LIT_GeneralLedgerAccount is a custom field that you must add to the document type. If LIT_GeneralLedgerAccount is empty, or does not exist, the value is copied from the header field, GeneralLedgerAccount. If GeneralLedgerAccount is empty or does not exist, the value is copied from the Default GL account number setting. |
InvoiceCurrency | DocumentCurrency | |
LIT_VatExcludedAmount | SupplierInvoiceItemAmount | |
LIT_VATCode | TaxCode |
If LIT_VATCode is empty, the value is copied from the header field, TaxCode1. |
LIT_TaxJurisdiction | TaxJurisdiction |
LIT_TaxJurisdiction is a custom field that you must add to the document type. If LIT_TaxJurisdiction is empty, the value is copied from the header field, TaxJurisdiction1. |
DebitCreditCode |
This value is set to:
LIT_DeliveredQuantityUnitCode | QuantityUnit | |
LIT_DeliveredQuantity | Quantity |
Purchase order field requirements
Adjust your document types for purchase order invoices according to this table:
Tungsten AP Essentials field type name | SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES field | Note |
Header fields | ||
InvoiceNumber | SupplierInvoiceIDByInvcgParty | |
InvoiceCurrency | DocumentCurrency | |
CompanyCode | The value is taken from the External ID of the buyer. | |
InvoiceDate | DocumentDate | |
PostingDate | PostingDate |
PostingDate is a custom field that you must add to the document type. |
InvoiceTotalVatIncludedAmount | InvoiceGrossAmount | |
SupplierNumber | InvoicingParty | |
InvoiceDate | TaxDeterminationDate | If InvoiceDate is not specified during verification, DocumentDate is used. |
InvoiceCredit | SupplierInvoiceIsCreditMemo | |
PaymentTerms | The value is taken from SAP. | |
DueCalculationBaseDate | DueCalculationBaseDate |
DueCalculationBaseDate is a custom field that you add to the document type. If DueCalculationBaseDate is empty, or does not exist, the value is calculated using the payment terms of the supplier according to the company code. |
InvoiceOrderNumber | PONumber |
If the line-item field, LIT_OrderNumber, is not specified during verification, the field value is taken from this header field. |
InvoiceTotalVatIncludedAmount | InvoiceGrossAmount | |
InvoiceTotalVATAmount | InvoiceTotalTaxAmount | Optional. |
InvoiceTaxAmount1 | TaxAmount | |
TaxCode1 | TaxCode | TaxCode1 is a custom field that you add to the document type. |
TaxJurisdiction1 | TaxJurisdiction |
Optional. If you want to use this optional field, you must add TaxJurisdiction1 to the document type as a custom field. |
TaxCountry | TaxCountry |
Optional. If you want to use this optional field, you must add TaxCountry to the document type as a custom field. |
WithholdingTaxType | WithholdingTaxType |
Optional. If you want to use this optional field, you must add WithholdingTaxType to the document type as a custom field. |
WithholdingTaxCode | WithholdingTaxCode |
Optional. If you want to use this optional field, you must add WithholdingTaxCode to the document type as a custom field. |
WithholdingTaxBaseAmount | WithholdingTaxBaseAmount |
Optional. If you want to use this optional field, you must add WithholdingTaxBaseAmount to the document type as a custom field. |
WithholdingTaxAmount | ManuallyEnteredWhldgTaxAmount |
Optional. If you want to use this optional field, you must add WithholdingTaxAmount to the document type as a custom field. |
Line-item fields | ||
SupplierInvoiceItem | This value is automatically set by the integration. | |
LIT_VatExcludedAmount | SupplierInvoiceItemAmount | Required for posting. |
LIT_VATCode | TaxCode |
If LIT_VATCode is empty, the value is copied from the header field, TaxCode1. |
LIT_TaxJurisdiction | TaxJurisdiction |
LIT_TaxJurisdiction is a custom field that you must add to the document type. If LIT_TaxJurisdiction is empty, the value is copied from the header field, TaxJurisdiction1. |
InvoiceCurrency | DocumentCurrency | Required for parking and posting. |
LIT_OrderNumber | PurchaseOrder |
Required for parking and posting. If the field value is not specified during verification, the value is take from the header field, InvoiceOrderNumber. |
LIT_RowIdentifier | PurchaseOrderItem | Required for parking and posting. |
LIT_DeliveredQuantity | QuantityInPurchaseOrderUnit | Required for posting. |
LIT_DeliveredQuantityUnitCode | PurchaseOrderQuantityUnit | Required for posting. |
LIT_ArticleName | Description | Optional |
Workflow settings
Account coding requires the Workflow service. Specify the coding fields in the Coding settings according to this table:
Tungsten AP Essentials field type name | SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES field | Note |
Header fields | ||
AccountCode | Account |
Add GeneralLedger to the ACCOUNT TYPES settings if it does not already exist. The GeneralLedger account type enables the AccountCode and Amount fields in Tungsten AP Essentials. |
Amount | Amount | |
TaxCode | TaxCode |
TaxCode is a custom field that you must add to the CODING FIELDS settings. If TaxCode is empty, the value is copied from the header field, TaxCode1. |
TaxJurisdiction | TaxJurisdiction |
TaxJurisdiction is a custom field that you must add to the CODING FIELDS settings. If TaxJurisdiction is empty, the value is copied from the header field, TaxJurisdiction1. |
CompanyCode | CompanyCode |
CompanyCode is a custom field that you must add to the CODING FIELDS settings. |
CostCenter | CostCenter |
CostCenter is a custom field that you must add to the CODING FIELDS settings. |
ProfitCenter | ProfitCenter |
ProfitCenter is a custom field that you must add to the CODING FIELDS settings. |
FunctionalArea | FunctionalArea |
FunctionalArea is a custom field that you must add to the CODING FIELDS settings. |
FinancialTransactionType | FinancialTransactionType |
FinancialTransactionType is a custom field that you must add to the CODING FIELDS settings. |
If the target SAP system supports document parking, you can optionally select Allow document parking in the Coding settings. The enables a setting which allows Office users to park documents during coding and approval. Parked documents retain the Parked status when exported to SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES.
Target system settings
Adjust the target system settings in Tungsten AP Essentials.
- In Admin Center, navigate to the Target system view and click EDIT.
- Select SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES and click Configuration.
- Specify the settings in the view that appears.
TEST to test the connection settings.
Make corrections if necessary.
- Click OK to confirm your settings and return to the Target system view.
- Click SAVE.
Master data
Tungsten AP Essentials automatically imports master data from SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES and uses the data to suggest and validate field values during verification. Master data is synchronized on the buyer level. Therefore, the external reference ID of the buyer in Tungsten AP Essentials must match the company code in SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES.
The SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES integration only supports master data on the buyer level. In order to use the SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES integration, you must select Master data on buyer level in the Master data settings.
Supplier master data
This table shows the correlation between Tungsten AP Essentials master data and SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES data.
Tungsten AP Essentials field (type name) | SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES field |
Name | SupplierName |
Blocked | BusinessPartnerIsBlocked |
to_Supplier | |
SupplierNumber | Supplier |
Description |
The description is taken from the Long Text supplier description in SAP and is filtered according to the buyer language. |
TaxRegistrationNumber |
The first BPTaxNumber field of the business partner is used. |
TaxCode | n/a |
to_BusinessPartnerAddress | |
Location | AddressID |
City | CityName |
PostalCode | CompanyPostalCode |
CountryName | Country |
Street | StreetName |
State | Region |
to_BusinessPartnerAddress/to_PhoneNumber | |
TelephoneNumber | PhoneNo |
to_BusinessPartnerAddress/to_FaxNumber | |
FaxNumber | FaxNumber |
to_Supplier/to_SupplierCompany | |
PaymentTerm | PaymentTerms |
PaymentMethod | PaymentMethodsList |
to_Supplier/to_SupplierPurchasingOrg | |
CurrencyCode | PurchaseOrderCurrency |
Purchase order master data
Only purchase orders with the Release completed status are imported. Optionally, you can also choose to exclude fully invoiced purchase orders in the target system settings. This table shows the correlation between Tungsten AP Essentials master data and SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES data.
Tungsten AP Essentials field (type name) | SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES field | ||||||||||||||
OrderNumber | PurchaseOrder | ||||||||||||||
SupplierNumber | Supplier | ||||||||||||||
CurrencyCode | DocumentCurrency | ||||||||||||||
DateCreated | DocumentDate (Doc. Date) | ||||||||||||||
ContactName | SupplierRespSalesPersonName
ContactName is the full name of a person in the supplier (vendor) organization. |
Description | |||||||||||||||
SupplierName | Supplier.BusinessPartnerName | ||||||||||||||
StatusText |
PurchasingProcessingStatus The StatusText value is taken from the value of PurchasingProcessingStatus.
Purchase order line items | |||||||||||||||
OrderLineNumber | PurchaseOrderItem | ||||||||||||||
ArticleNumber | Material | ||||||||||||||
ArticleDescription | PurchaseOrderItemText | ||||||||||||||
CategoryDescription | PurchaseOrderItemCategory | ||||||||||||||
Quantity | OrderQuantity | ||||||||||||||
Unit | PurchaseOrderQuantityUnit | ||||||||||||||
UnitPrice | NetPriceAmount | ||||||||||||||
PriceUnit | NetPriceQuantity | ||||||||||||||
SupplierArticleNumber | SupplierMaterialNumber | ||||||||||||||
RowTotalAmountVatExcluded |
This value is calculated from the PO. OrderQuantity x NetPriceAmount / NetPriceQuantity |
StatusText |
This value remains empty until the item is fully invoiced, at which point the value is set to "Fully invoiced". |
InvoicedQuantity | This value is calculated from the sum of QtyInPurchaseOrderPriceUnit in purchase order history table for records where PurchasingHistoryDocument = 2. | ||||||||||||||
DeliveredQuantity | This value is calculated from the sum of QtyInPurchaseOrderPriceUnit in purchase order history table for records where PurchasingHistoryDocument = 1. | ||||||||||||||
IsDeliveryRequired | The value is the converse of the IsCompletelyDelivered field value. |
For credit notes (credit memos), invoice quantities and amounts are negated.
General ledger accounts master data
This table shows the correlation between Tungsten AP Essentials master data and SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES data.
Tungsten AP Essentials field | SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES field (table) |
Code | GLAccount |
Group | GLAccountGroup |
Active |
The field is set to true if:
Name | GLAccountName |
Description | GLAccountLongName |
Tax code master data
This table shows the correlation between Tungsten AP Essentials master data and SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES data.
Tungsten AP Essentials field | SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES field (table) |
Value | TaxCode |
Description | TaxTypeName |
Name | TaxCodeName |
Active | n/a |
The Value field is unique. Active is always set to true.
Work breakdown structure (WBS) master data
In SAP S/4HANA ERP, WSB elements are part of the Project System (PS) module. WBS elements represent the hierarchical structure used to plan, monitor, and control the various tasks and costs in a project. The SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES integration supports the import of WBS master data, which you can connect to fields for field value suggestions, validation, and export to SAP. You enable WBS status import in the target system settings, where you can also specify buyer selection, which WBS statuses to synchronize, and which WBS statuses are considered active.
This table shows the correlation between Tungsten AP Essentials master data and SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES data.
Tungsten AP Essentials field | SAP S/4HANA Cloud ES field |
Value |
WBS element ID. |
Name |
WBS element name. |
Description |
Project name, WBS element name, WBS element status. |
Active |