Map custom form IDs for NetSuite
By default, when Kofax AP Essentials sends invoice data to NetSuite, the data is entered using the default form (vendor bill form) in NetSuite. However, you can specify custom form IDs if you want to send document data to NetSuite using custom forms.
You specify custom form IDs in the Custom Form ID setting in the target system settings on the customer account level. There are two different ways to use this setting, depending on whether you deal with one or multiple custom forms in NetSuite.
Mapping to a single custom form ID
When mapping to a single custom form ID, simply specify a form ID from NetSuite in the Custom Form ID setting on the customer account level in Kofax AP Essentials. Optionally, you can also use Buyer-specific settings to specify custom form IDs for individual buyers.
When mapping to a single custom form ID, credit notes are not supported. Only purchase order and general expense invoices are supported by this method.
Mapping to multiple custom form IDs
In addition to the method described above, the Custom Form ID setting also accepts three semicolon-separated custom form IDs, where each ID correlates to a document subtype (purchase order, general expense, credit note). Using this method, you can route document data from specific document subtypes to specific forms in NetSuite.
You must specify the custom form IDs in the Custom Form ID setting in a specific order, which mirrors the document subtypes:
- The first custom form ID maps to the purchase order document subtype.
- The second custom form ID maps to the general expense document subtype.
- The third custom form ID maps to the credit note document subtype.
In this example, each semicolon-separated value represents a custom form ID in NetSuite:
PO_FormID; GE_FormID; CreditNote_FormID
In the example above, PO_FormID represents the form ID in NetSuite that you use to process PO invoices. GE_FormID represents form ID that you use to process general-expense (non-PO) invoices, and CreditNote_FormID represents the form ID that you use to process credit notes. Optionally, you can omit a value, by leaving it blank with the semicolon still in place. In this example, no custom form ID is specified for general-expense invoices:
PO_FormID; ; CreditNote_FormID
Optionally, you can also use Buyer-specific settings to specify custom form IDs for individual buyers.