The Custom validation rule view

Use this view to specify custom validation rules in Admin Center.

To access this dialog in Admin Center, navigate to the Validation service node on the partner level in the tree view, click Custom rules, and click an existing custom rule or click ADD.

Use these settings to create a custom rule.

Name The name of the rule as it appears in the Validation service and Extraction services.
Base type The base document type for which the custom rule is available.
Field to validate The focus of the validation and the field that is marked with a validation error if the rule fails.
Expression The logic of the validation which determines whether the validation rules passes or fails.
Fields The fields you can use in the custom rule. Select a field and click + to copy a field to the Expression box.
Operators The operators you can use in the custom rule. Select an operator and click + to copy an operator to the Expression box.
Functions The functions you can use in the custom rule. Select a function and click + to copy a function to the Expression box.
Validation error message The error message that is displayed in AP Essentials Office if the validation rule fails.

Make the error message clear and helpful, so AP Essentials Office users knows what is wrong and how to resolve the issue.