OIO field mapping
This table shows how Kofax AP Essentials maps internal fields with OIO XML.
Kofax AP Essentials internal field name | OIO |
Buyer fields | |
Name | /BuyerParty/PartyName/Name |
Street | /BuyerParty/Address/Street |
StreetSupplement | /BuyerParty/Address/AdditionalStreet |
City | /BuyerParty/Address/CityName |
CountryCode | /BuyerParty/Address/Country/Code |
Supplier fields | |
Name | /SellerParty/PartyName/Name |
Street | /SellerParty/Address/Street |
StreetSupplement | /SellerParty/Address/AdditionalStreet |
City | /SellerParty/Address/CityName |
CountryCode | /SellerParty/Address/Country/Code |
Standard fields | |
AddressName | |
AddressOptionalName | |
AddressPostalCity | |
AddressPostalCode | |
AddressStreet | |
Barcode | |
BuyerAddressPostalCode | /Invoice/BuyerParty/Address/PostalZone |
BuyerContactPersonName | /Invoice/BuyerParty/BuyerContact/Name |
BuyerContactReference | |
BuyerTaxNumber1 | |
BuyerTaxNumber2 | |
BuyerVATRegistrationNumber | /Invoice/BuyersReferenceID |
DeliveryCost | |
DeliveryCostInsurance | |
DeliveryCostPackaging | |
DeliveryCostPostage | |
DeliveryCostToll | |
DeliveryDate | |
DeliveryNote | |
DeliveryTerms | |
EsrAmount | |
EsrNumber | |
EsrReference | |
InvoiceBaselineDate | /Invoice/IssueDate |
InvoiceCredit | /Invoice/TypeCode
Extracted value "PIP" or "PIE" is translated to 0 (Debit) Extracted value "PCP" or "PCM" is translated into 1 (Credit) |
InvoiceCurrency | /invoice/main:InvoiceCurrencyCode |
InvoiceDate | /Invoice/IssueDate |
InvoiceDiscountAmount | |
InvoiceDiscountPercent | |
InvoiceDueDate | /Invoice/PaymentMeans/PaymentDueDate |
InvoiceNumber | /Invoice/ID |
InvoiceOrderNumber | /Invoice/ReferenceOrder/BuyersOrderID
If the value of this element is "n/a", translate as empty string. |
InvoicePostingDate | |
InvoiceTaxAmount1 | |
InvoiceTaxAmount2 | |
InvoiceTaxAmount3 | |
InvoiceTaxAmount4 | |
InvoiceTotalVATAmount | /Invoice/TaxTotal/TaxAmounts/TaxAmount
Only takes the value from the section in which /Invoice/TaxTotal/TaxTypeCode is equal to "VAT". |
InvoiceTotalVatExcludedAmount | /Invoice/LegalTotal/LineExtensionTotalAmount
If the value of this element is 0, use this alternative location: /Invoice/LegalTotal/ToBePaidTotalAmount |
InvoiceTotalVatIncludedAmount | /Invoice/LegalTotal/ToBePaidTotalAmount |
InvoiceTotalVatIncludedAmount Spelled | |
InvoiceTotalVatRatePercent | /Invoice/TaxTotal/CategoryTotal/RatePercent Numeric
Only takes the value from the section in which /Invoice/TaxTotal/CategoryTotal/rateCategoryCode ID is equal "VAT". |
InvoicingPeriodEnd | |
InvoicingPeriodStart | |
PaymentReferenceNumber | /Invoice/PaymentMeans/PaymentID
The value for this field is determined by the combination of the values for these locations in the code (if they exist): +PaymentMeans/TypeCodeID <PaymentMeans/PaymentID +PaymentMeans/JointPaymentID < |
PaymentTerms | /InvoicePaymentTerms/ID |
PaymentTermsInterest | /Invoice/PaymentTerms/PenaltySurchargeRate Numeric |
PaymentType | /Invoice/PaymentMeans/PaymentChannelCode |
SupplierAccountNumber1 | If TypeCode==BANK
/Invoice/PaymentMeans/PayeeFinancialAccount/ID |
SupplierAccountNumber2 | /Invoice/PaymentMeans/JointPaymentID |
SupplierAccountNumber3 | |
SupplierAccountNumber4 | /Invoice/PaymentMeans/PaymentID |
SupplierAddressPostalCode | /Invoice/SellerParty/Adress/PostalZone |
SupplierBankClearingNumber | |
SupplierBankCodeNumber1 | |
SupplierBankCodeNumber2 | |
SupplierBankCodeNUmber3 | |
SupplierBankCodeNumber4 | |
SupplierIBAN1 | |
SupplierIBAN2 | |
SupplierIBAN3 | |
SupplierIBAN4 | |
SupplierTaxNumber1 | |
SupplierTaxNumber2 | |
SupplierVATRegistrationNumber | /Invoice/SellerParty/PartyTaxScheme/Company TaxID |
Line-item fields | |
LIT_ArticleIdentifier | /Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/ID |
LIT_ArticleName | /Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/Description |
LIT_DeliveredQuantity | /Invoice/InvoiceLine/InvociedQuantity |
LIT_DeliveredQuantityUnitCode | /Invoice/InvoiceLine/comInvoicedQuantity/@unitCode |
LIT_DiscountAmount | |
LIT_DiscountPercent | |
LIT_OrderNumber | /Invoice/InvoiceLine/ReferencedOrderLine/BuyersID |
LIT_RowIdentifier | /Invoice/InvoiceLine/ID |
LIT_UnitPriceAmount | /Invoice/InvoiceLine/BasePrice/PriceAmount |
LIT_VatAmount | |
LIT_VatExcludedAmount | /Invoice/InvoiceLine/LineExtensionAmount |
LIT_VatIncludedAmount | |
LIT_VatRate | /Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/Tax/RatePercent |
Attachment fields | |
ID | |
Filename | |
EmbeddedValue | /Invoice/EncodedDocument |
EmbeddedInfo | |
DataURI | |
SchemeURI | |
DataType | |
LinkType | |
AdditionalInfo | /Invoice/EncodedDocument/@agencyID |
Field mappings from incoming XML formats only map to standard fields. They do not map to custom fields. Consider using the XML document type if your current document type does not support the field mappings you require.