Reports for Microsoft Excel

The AP Essentials Reports Add-in for Microsoft Excel lets you easily create reports from Kofax AP Essentials in Microsoft Excel.

The add-in supports Excel 2016 (desktop), Office 365 and Excel Online. Earlier versions are not supported. Note that Excel Online cannot open workbooks larger than 5 MB.

Generating reports

To generate reports:

  1. Create a new blank workbook in Microsoft Excel.
  2. Enable the AP Essentials Reports add-in from the Office Add-ins button (Insert tab) in Microsoft Excel.
  3. In the view that appears, specify:
    • The Login URL that you use to log in to AP Essentials.

    • The Administrator user name and password of a customer or partner administrator. Single sign-on credentials are not supported.
    • If two-factor authentication is enabled, you must specify a two-factor token. The token is automatically saved in the current workbook for 30 days. If you create a new workbook, you must provide a new token.
  4. Select the reports you want to generate and click Generate.

    The add-in can generate reports and data sets:

    Invoice aging Lists the number of invoices in the system according to these date ranges: greater than 1, 30, 45 and 65 days.

    This report helps determine how many invoices are overdue for payment. In order to appear in this report, the invoice must have values for the invoice date, currency and gross amount. Credit invoices are not included in this report. The report includes invoices across all buyers.

    Pending invoices Lists all invoices that are pending verification or approval. This report includes this information about each invoice:
    • ID
    • Customer ID
    • Customer Name
    • Buyer ID
    • Buyer name
    • Buyer external ID
    • Supplier name
    • Supplier number
    • Track ID
    • Created date
    • Invoice number
    • Invoice date
    • Total VAT amount
    • Currency
    • Credit/Debit
    Data sets
    Document details Lists field information about documents currently in the system. Document-detail reports include this information about each invoice:
    • ID
    • BatchID
    • TrackID
    • CustomerGroupID
    • CustomerGroupName
    • CustomerID
    • CustomerName
    • BuyerID
    • BuyerName
    • BuyerExternalID
    • CreateDate
    • CreatedBy
    • SupplierName
    • SupplierNumber
    • Permalink
    • Status
    • Filename
    • InvoiceCredit
    • InvoiceNumber
    • InvoiceDate
    • InvoiceOrderNumber
    • InvoiceTotalVATExcludedAmount
    • InvoiceTotalVATRatePercent
    • InvoiceTotalVATAmount
    • InvoiceTotalVATIncludedAmount
    • InvoiceCurrency
    • SupplierVATRegisterationNumber

    Custom fields also appear in the reports.

    If you use the API, line-item table and accounting field information is also available.

    Document details history Lists field information about documents that have been completely processed within the date range you specify. In addition to all of the fields in the document details data set, this data set also includes SuccessfullyProcessedTime.
    Document process status Lists status information about documents currently in the system.
    • ID
    • TrackD
    • CustomerGroupID
    • CustomerGroupName
    • CustomerID
    • CustomerName
    • BuyerID
    • BuyerName
    • BuyerExternalID
    • SupplierName
    • SupplierNumber
    • InvoiceDate
    • InvoiceNumber
    • PurchaseOrderNumber
    • TotalNetAmount
    • TotalAmount
    • ReceiveTime
    • PreprocessingStartTime
    • PreprocessingEndTime
    • ExtractionStartTime
    • Extraction EndTime
    • LatestVerifiedTime
    • LatestVerifier
    • LatestVerifyRejectTime
    • LatestVerifyRejecter
    • LatestWorkflowStarter
    • LatestApproveTime
    • LatestApprover
    • LatestWorkflowRejectTime
    • LatestWorkflowRejecter
    • LatestWorkflowRerouteTime
    • LatestTargetSystemRejectTime
    • CreatedDate
    • CreatedBy
    • InvoiceCurrency
    • LatestComment
    Document process status history Lists status information about documents that have been completely processed within the date range you specify. In addition to all of the fields in the document process status data set, this data set also includes SuccessfullyProcessedTime.
    Document consumption details Lists information about how much customers consume (volume usage and service utilization) so you can collect data that is useful for billing.
    • Id
    • CustomerGroupId
    • CustomerGroupName
    • CustomerId
    • CustomerName
    • CustomerModel
    • CustomerOrganizationNumber
    • CustomerVatNumber
    • CustomerExternalId
    • CustomerBillingReportReference
    • BuyerId
    • BuyerName
    • BuyerExternalId
    • CreatedDate
    • TrackId
    • SupplierName
    • SupplierNumber
    • InvoiceNumber
    • LatestVerifier
    • LatestVerifiedTime
    • ContainsLineItemTable
    • AddedToStorage
    • WorkflowUsed
    • SuccessfullyProcessedTime
    Data from the data sets are only available from September 1, 2016 and onward.