The Target system configuration dialog: SFTP settings
Use these settings to configure the SFTP target system.
To access this dialog: Select a Services node in the administration tree-view, select Target system, select SFTP and click Configuration.
The SFTP target system service uses secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) to transfer data securely and supports these encryption algorithms:
- ssh-ed25519
- ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
- ecdsa-sha2-nistp384
- ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
- ssh-rsa
- ssh-dss
The settings that appear here vary depending on the target system, version and current account level. Use these settings to specify settings for the target service:
Output image format | Determines the format of the output invoices.
If you change the output format, the change only applies to invoices that you upload after the change was made. Invoices that are already in the system at the time of the change are not affected. |
Consolidate output | When enabled, XML data for multiple documents is sent to the target
system a single XML file at regular intervals. Normally,
Kofax AP Essentials
sends documents to the target system one at a time as soon as they are ready. When output is consolidated, however,
documents are kept until the
Interval in minutes has passed. Then the XML data for all of the
documents that are ready is sent to the target system together in one XML file. If you choose to consolidate output, these settings
are available:
Consolidate output is enabled, you must use
ReadSoft Online XML (2.0) as the
XML version in the
Document output settings below.
You can combine this setting with the Zip files before sending setting to reduce the number of connections to the target system. |
Embed image and exported attachments in XML output |
Instead of including the invoice image and attachments as separate files, the images are embedded in the XML output as a Base64 string. This setting is disabled unless the XML version is Kofax AP Essentials XML (2.0). |
Export attachments |
Any files that are attached to a document during verification or approval are also included with the output. This setting is disabled unless the XML version is Kofax AP Essentials XML (2.0). |
Export original email |
Includes the original input email in the output. The actual, original email with all of its attachments, which may also contain other invoices, is included in the output. In Kofax AP Essentials XML (2.0), the name of the email file is included in the System fields list (XPath: Document/SystemFields/SystemField[Type='emailfilename']/Text) |
Test |
Checks if the SFTP settings can connect correctly. |
SFTP connection | |
Host name | The address of the target server. |
TCP/IP port | The port used to access the server. |
Remote path | The folder where you want to save files to on the SFTP server. |
User name | The login name of an account that has write permissions on the server. |
Password | The password for
User name.
For security purposes, the number of hidden characters do not necessarily match the number of characters in
the password.
Subfolder | |
Use dynamic subfolders | Determines whether subfolders are created based on a field value from the document (default:
deselected). When selected, the
Dynamic subfolder field
setting appears, which specifies the XPath of the field that determines the name of the folder.
Example This is useful if you want to group documents in folders by their supplier names. In this case, you specify the XPath of the supplier field (/Document/Invoice/Supplier/Name) in the Dynamic subfolder field box. Then for every document that is exported, Kofax AP Essentials will create a subfolder using the value from the supplier field. So all documents from supplier "Abc" are saved in the "Abc" folder, and all documents from supplier "123" are saved in the "123" folder and so on. |
Document | |
Use TXT as output | Determines whether the output data is plain text or XML (default: deselected). When selected, the
File extension setting appears.
Only the file extension is changed. You must ensure that the file contents are comma-separated when you edit
custom XML transformation.
Encoding | The
encoding, which is supported by the target system, that you want to use when writing the XML document (UTF8,
iso-8859-1, us-ascii, etc.).
If you use an XSL transform to
transform invoice data, the encoding of the XSLT file must match the encoding specified here.
Split multi-TIFF | Splits multi-TIFF files into separate files. For example, if the invoice image in a multi-TIFF named invoice.tif and it contains three pages, each page is saved as a separate file in the following manner: invoice_001.tif invoice_002.tif and invoice_003.tif |
Use temporary name | Determines whether a temporary file name is used while files are transferring to the target-system
Zip files before sending | Compresses all of the files to be transferred in a ZIP file. |
PGP public key |
Specifies your PGP public key, which must be in ASC or PUB format. If you specify a public key here, ZIP files are transferred via SFTP using PGP encryption. You must upload your public key to the Resources view to be able to select it here. To turn off PGP encryption, empty this setting. This setting is only visible if you select Zip files before sending. |
Document output | |
XML version | The XML output version you use for the XSL transformation. Kofax AP Essentials XML (2.0) is recommended. |
XSL Transformation |
Specifies the name of the XSLT file you want to use to transform invoice data (optional). The list is populated from files that have been uploaded to the Resources view. |
Download sample | Prompts you to download an example XML file that you can use as a basis for your transformation. |
If you have network restrictions on IP addresses, Kofax AP Essentials uses these IP addresses to connect to your SFTP server:
Europe |
US |
Australia |
If you use the SFTP server provided by Kofax AP Essentials, your system needs access to this IP address: