The Payment term view

Use these settings to define the payment terms settings in Admin Center.

To access this view in Admin Center: Expand the Master data node in the tree view, click Payment terms and click ADD or click the code of an existing payment term.

Use these settings to specify a payment term for use with the due date validation.

EDIT Lets you edit the payment term.
SAVE & CLOSE Saves the payment term and returns to the Payment terms view.
DELETE Displays a dialog confirm that you want to delete the payment term.
CANCEL Closes the dialog and returns to the Payment terms view.
Buyer Determines which buyer utilizes the payment term.
Code Specifies the payment term code. During verification, Kofax AP Essentials matches the payment term code found in the supplier master data with this code to determine how to validate the due date.
Description Option text that you use to describe the payment term.
Empty the due date Determines whether Kofax AP Essentials empties the due-date value, or calculates the due date according to the settings that follow.
Days Specifies the number of days until the payment is due. Counting begins according to the Start from setting.
Start from Determines when to start counting the days until payment is due.
  • Invoice date - Counting begins on the invoice date. The due date equals the invoice date plus the number of days specified in the Days setting.
  • End of the month of the invoice date - Counting begins at the end of the month of the invoice date. For example, assume Days is set to "30" and the invoice date is July 9. Counting begins at the end of the month, which is July 31. This means the calculated invoice due date is August 30. In other words, the first day of the next month is day one of the due date calculation.

Apply calculation Specifies whether the due date calculation is always applied, or only applied if the due date field is empty.
  • Always - When an invoice is processed by a suppler that uses this payment term, the due date calculation is always applied.
  • Only if due date is empty - The calculated due date is only applied if the due date value on the invoice is empty.