The Document volumes report view

Use this view to filter and display document-volume reports.

To access this view in Admin Center: Expand an Explore node in the administration tree-view and click Document volumes. This report is available for partners, customers and customer groups.

This view represents the volume of documents flowing through the system during the specified time period. This is helpful if you want an overview of the amount of work being performed during a given time period.

The report uses the time zone of your computer when displaying data.

The numbers in this view do not correspond to each other. The invoices received, during the specified time period, are not necessarily the same invoices that were successfully processed. Likewise, some of the invoices received may still be in production, or they may have been deleted. Therefore, documents in the Received and Successfully processed columns are not correlated.

Another way to understand how this report works is to imagine that the columns are two separate questions: How many invoices were received this month? How many invoices were successfully processed this month?

The report only shows numbers of documents (not batches). If the date range includes batches that have not been split into documents, the batch is not included in the report totals.

Use these settings to filter and display document-volume reports:

Date range

Specifies the date range that the report includes.

If you select Custom date range, additional settings appear for specifying a date range.

Show deleted organizations Determines whether information from deleted organizations is included.
Generate Creates a report based on the criteria you specify.
Export Prompts you to download a CSV file containing the information displayed in the current view. You must generate a report before you can export it.
Organization The name of the buyer organization.
Received The number of documents received within the specified date range.
Successfully processed The number of documents that have been successfully processed (export succeeded or post succeeded).

Looking for more reports?

For additional reports about performance, extraction and much more, see Analytics reports.