Auto-rotation of images

The Auto-rotation setting belongs to the Extraction service and can be used to automatically correct image rotation on invoice images that are sideways or upside-down. This is helpful, for example, if images are often scanned upside-down, or if your scanner can only scan images sideways.


Auto-rotation increases the amount of time it takes to process an invoice, and occasionally, it can rotate images incorrectly, so you have to correct the rotation during verification.

The more degrees of rotation you choose in the Auto-rotation box, the longer it takes to extract an invoice.  For example, Detect 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees takes more time than Detect 0 or 90 degrees. You can reduce the amount of time auto-rotation takes by choosing the optimal auto-rotation setting for your situation. For example, if your scanner routinely scans images upside-down, select Detect 0 or 180 degrees in the  Auto-rotation box.