Updating an existing integration

If you already have a Dynamics AX 2009 integration with ReadSoft Online, and you need to update to the latest version:

  1. In Dynamics AX 2009, click the Project button.

    The Project button

  2. Click the Import button.

    The Import button

  3. Click Browse and navigate to your ReadSoft Online ConnectProgramData folder, select the RsoIntegration2009.xpo file and select the Delete table and class members box.

    Import settings

  4. Click OK and choose to overwrite existing elements if prompted to do so.
  5. Expand the Shared node, right-click RsoIntegration2009 and select Compile.


  6. Double-click the RsoIntegration2009 project to display the project content, right-click the RsoIntegrationService service and select Add-Ins > Register actions.

    Register actions

  7. To generate the service, navigate to Basic > Setup > Application Integration Services > Services, select RsoIntegrationService and click the Generate button.

    AIF Services
