This topic describes many of the fields Tungsten AP Essentials utilizes.
Field types
Fields are categorized into one of these types:
Field names
Fields have three names, each with a different purpose.
Name — The name of the field as it appears in the output that is sent to the target system.
Type name — The unique, internal name that AP Essentials uses to identify a field and connect it to specific business logic. This is also the name you use to specify fields in master data and API integrations.
Display name — The name that appears in AP Essentials Office. This is also the name AP Essentials sends to the target system.
Common fields
Many of the most common fields AP Essentials supports are listed here.
Field type name | Description |
AddressName | The name of a person or business in an address. |
AddressPostalCode | The postal code of an address. |
AmountRounding | The amount an invoice has been rounded up or down. |
Barcode | Supported barcodes. |
BSBBankAccount | Bank state branch account number. A BSB code is a number used to identify the individual branch of an Australian financial institution. |
BuyerContactPersonName | The name of the buyer's contact person. |
BuyerContactReference | An identifier provided by the buyer's contact person. |
BuyerTaxNumber1 | The tax number of the buyer. |
BuyerVATRegistrationNumber | The VAT registration number of the buyer. |
ChargeAmount1, ChargeAmount2, ChargeAmount3, ChargeAmount4 | Additional charges such as a delivery cost or related costs. |
ContractNo | A contract number. |
DeliveryAddressLocationId | The location ID of a delivery address. For example a global location number (GLN). |
DeliveryCost | The delivery cost. |
DeliveryCostEnvironmental | An environmental delivery cost. |
DeliveryCostFuel | A fuel cost related to delivery. |
DeliveryCostInsurance | Delivery insurance cost. |
DeliveryCostPackaging | A packaging cost related to delivery. |
DeliveryCostPostage | A postage cost related to delivery. |
DeliveryCostShipping | A shipping cost related to delivery. |
DeliveryCostToll | A packaging cost related to delivery. |
DeliveryDate | The date of delivery for the invoiced items. |
DeliveryNote | Special notes about the delivery. |
DeliveryTerms | The terms related to delivery of the invoiced items. |
DiscountAmount1, DiscountAmount2, DiscountAmount3, DiscountAmount4 | Discount amounts. These fields are specific to the XML document type. |
ElectricityMeterID | A unique code associated with an electric meter. This field is specific to Norwegian document types. |
EsrAmount | Amount field for Swiss ESR invoices. This field is specific to Swiss document types. |
EsrNumber | Payment slip reference number for Swiss ESR invoices. This field is specific to Swiss document types. |
EsrReference | Reference field for Swiss ESR invoices. This field is specific to Swiss document types. |
FormNumber | The form number. This field is specific to Vietnamese document types. |
Header_Text | Header text. |
InvoiceBaseAmount2 | The base amount. This field is specific to Brazilian document types. |
InvoiceBaselineDate | The sale date. This field is specific to Czech document types. |
InvoiceChargeAmount | The invoice charge amount. This field is specific to Italian document types. |
InvoiceCode | The invoice code. |
InvoiceCredit | Determines whether a document is a credit or invoice. |
InvoiceCurrency | The currency of the document. |
InvoiceDate | The date the document was created. |
InvoiceDiscountAmount | The discount amount. |
InvoiceDiscountPercent | The discount percentage. |
InvoiceDueDate | The date the document is due. |
InvoiceNetAmount1, InvoiceNetAmount2, InvoiceNetAmount3, InvoiceNetAmount4 | The net amounts that correspond to the InvoiceTaxAmount1, InvoiceTaxAmount2, InvoiceTaxAmount3, and InvoiceTaxAmount4 fields. The sum of these fields must be equal to the InvoiceTotalVATExcluded field. |
InvoiceNumber | The invoice number. |
InvoiceOrderNumber | The order number. |
InvoicesSerialIndicator | The serial indicator of an invoice. |
InvoiceTaxAmount1, InvoiceTaxAmount2, InvoiceTaxAmount3, InvoiceTaxAmount4 | The individual tax amounts. The sum of these fields must be equal to the InvoiceTotalVATAmount value. |
InvoiceTaxCode1, InvoiceTaxCode2, InvoiceTaxCode3, InvoiceTaxCode4 | Individual tax codes. |
InvoiceTaxRate1, InvoiceTaxRate2, InvoiceTaxRate3, InvoiceTaxRate4 | The tax rates that correspond to the InvoiceTaxAmount1, InvoiceTaxAmount2, InvoiceTaxAmount3, and InvoiceTaxAmount4 fields. |
InvoiceTotalVATAmount | The total tax amount of the document. |
InvoiceTotalVatExcludedAmount | The net amount of the document. |
InvoiceTotalVatIncludedAmount | The gross amount of the document. |
InvoiceTotalVatRatePercent | The total tax of the document as a percentage. |
InvoiceType1, InvoiceType2 | The invoice type. These fields are specific to Argentinian document types. |
InvoicingPeriodEnd | The beginning of the invoicing period. This field is only available in the XML document type. |
InvoicingPeriodStart | The end of the invoicing period. This field is only available in the XML document type. |
LIT_ArticleIdentifier | The article identifier or article number of a line item. |
LIT_ArticleName | The article name of a line item. |
LIT_DeliveredQuantity | The delivered quantity of a line item. |
LIT_DeliveredQuantityUnitCode | The delivered quantity unit code of a line item. |
LIT_DeliveryNote, LIT_Delivernote | The delivery note of a line item. |
LIT_DeliveryCost | The delivery cost of a line item. |
LIT_DeliveryCostPackaging | The packaging delivery cost of a line item. |
LIT_DeliveryNoteNumber | The delivery note number of a line item. |
LIT_DeliveryReference | The delivery reference of a line item. |
LIT_DiscountAmount | The discount amount of a line item. |
LIT_DiscountPercent | The discount of a line item in percent. |
LIT_OrderNumber | The order number of a line item. |
LIT_ProjectID | The project ID associated with a line item. |
LIT_RowIdentifier | The row identifier of a line item. Rows are typically identified by a sequential ordered list of numbers. |
LIT_UnitPriceAmount | The unit price of a line item. |
LIT_VatAmount | The VAT amount of a line item. |
LIT_VATCode | The VAT code of a line item. |
LIT_VatExcludedAmount | The net amount of a line item. |
LIT_VatIncludedAmount | The gross amount of a line item. |
LIT_VatRate | The VAT rate (percentage) of a line item. |
PaymentAmount2 | The payment amount. This field is specific to Dutch document types. |
PaymentReferenceNumber | The payment reference number. This field has different uses in various integrations and XML-input mappings. |
PaymentReferenceNumberAuthorization | An universally unique payment identifier. This field is specific to Mexican document types. |
PaymentTermsInterest | A percentage that is charged for overdue invoices. |
PaymentType | Typically a numerical value that represents a payment type. |
Projectnumber | The project number. |
QrReference | A QR reference from a QR-IBAN. This field is specific to Swiss QR-bills. |
ReferenceNumber | Ad document reference number. This field is specific to Indian document types. |
SeriesNumber | A document series number. This field is specific to Vietnamese document types. |
SubcontractAgreementNumber | The agreement number of a subcontract. This field is specific to Australian document types. |
SupplierAccountNumber1, SupplierAccountNumber2, SupplierAccountNumber3, SupplierAccountNumber4 | Supplier account numbers. Up to four fields can be captured.
These fields have specific meanings when processing Danish, Norwegian, or Swedish invoices with E-conomic. |
SupplierAddressPostalCode | The post code for a remit-to address. |
SupplierBankClearingNumber | The clearing number of the supplier bank. |
SupplierBankCodeNumber1, SupplierBankCodeNumber2, SupplierBankCodeNumber3, SupplierBankCodeNumber4 | Supplier bank account numbers. Up to four fields can be captured.
These fields have specific meanings when processing Danish, Norwegian, or Swedish invoices with E-conomic. |
SupplierBankDetails1 | Details of the supplier bank. This field is specific to the XML document type. |
SupplierBicSwiftNumber | The BIC/SWIFT account number. This field is specific to Swiss document types. |
SupplierIBAN1, SupplierIBAN2, SupplierIBAN3, SupplierIBAN4 | The supplier IBAN number. Up to four IBAN fields can be captured. |
SupplierPcAccountNumber | The PC account number. This field is specific to Swiss document types. |
SupplierSWIFT1 | The supplier SWIFT number. |
SupplierTaxNumber1 | The supplier tax number. |
SupplierTaxNumber2 | The supplier tax number. In some cases, this field might map to another field, such as an organization number. Read more about XML field mapping. |
SupplierTaxNumberExpirationDate1 | The expiration date of the tax number. This field is specific to Argentinian document types. |
SupplierTelephoneNumber | The phone number of the supplier. |
SupplierVATRegistrationNumber | The VAT registration number of the supplier. |
TaxCompliant | Extra field for tax-compliant invoices. This field is specific to Australian document types. |
VehicleIdentificationNumber | A vehicle identification number (VIN) which identifies a specific automobile. This field is specific to US document types. |
WithholdingTaxAmount | A withholding tax amount. |
WithholdingTaxAmount2 | A withholding tax amount. |
WithholdingTaxRate | The withholding tax percentage. |